Unlimited ping, resolve ip address to hostname, custom number of requests, custom connect timeout, custom wait time between pings. If a host was up, but now its not, beep. This site is not directly affiliated with Spetnik. Results are returned in a similar fashion to that of Microsoft Windows Ping. Removed the "cerr" vs "cout" distinction, ctrl-c is now more responsive. Added -p option to specify port even when using --file, since the normal parsing doesn't happen when using --file. Have added '-i', '-d', '-b' command line options by request.
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Thanks to Ctpping Hubele. This site is not directly affiliated with Spetnik. All informations about programs or games on this website have been found in open sources on the Internet.
There could be any number of network connectivity problems between the source and destination, if possible wimdows the network however if the traffic is traversing the Internet you will be limited in what you can check.
Notify me of new posts by email. Unlimited ping, resolve ip address to hostname, custom number of requests, custom connect timeout, custom wait time between pings. Removed '-p' in favor of '--head' and '--post' to specify HTTP commands.
Removed the "cerr" vs "cout" distinction, ctrl-c is now more responsive.
Buy me a coffee Main download link: If a host was up, but now its not, beep. Fixed broken command line handling for certain --proxy arguments.
TCPing - Free Download - Tucows Downloads
How to uninstall TCPing? NAME tcping - simulate "ping" over tcp by establishing a connection to network hosts. Enter tcping tcping is one such tool that can be used to check that a TCP port is responding, there are a few versions available however I use this one: There may be a firewall running between the source and destination filtering the traffic depending on the rules in place even if you know the destination should be responding on a particular port.
Additional information about license winxows can found on owners sites. This application is intended for use in testing for open ports on remote machines, or windowx an alternative to the standard "ping" in a case where ICMP packets are blocket or ignored.

In this example we are querying if 8. Added -p option to specify qindows even when using --file, since the normal parsing doesn't happen when using --file.
Fix for failed connections not being closed. As UDP is a connectionless protocol, determining if it is responding is a bit different.

New versions will be signed, hashed and compiled on a dedicated dev machine. Now using QueryPerformanceCounter instead of ftime for timing. License is in source, tl;dr - use for anything; as-is-no-guarantees; don't remove attribution. Thanks to Mike Westman.
TCPing 2.0
Some such features include being able to continually run the test allowing a way to generate traffic for you to watch out for in live packet captures as well as the response widnows. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. This breaks the timeout code, but it allows finer detection of the actual cause of a blocked port.
All programs and games not hosted on our site. For instance, '-j 10' will use up to the 10 previous ping results, non-inclusive with the current result. You can find a lot of useful information about the different software on our Tcping Download Blog page.
The travel time of the outgoing final ACK is not included, only the minimal amount of time it has taken to drop it on the wire at the near end.
Jitter is defined as the difference between the last response time and the historical average. Tcppin trip times in milli-seconds: Added --block option to use a blocking socket.
Header is implied if using --tee.
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